[Yaffs] Release tags and branches within YAFFS CVS repository.

Charles Manning manningc2@actrix.gen.nz
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 13:57:55 +1300

Your eyes do not deceive you - there are no tags and branches.

So far pretty much every byte in the yaffs tree has been type by myself, =
there has not been much need for branching etc. YAFFS2 is in a sperate tr=

Most people have been using yaffs as a black box, and we've had very few=20
reliability issue, so what has happened so far has seemed to work.

With YAFFS2 I will be doing some tagging prior to adding some changes.

I will tag YAFFS1 prior to adding some patches  from Frank and changes so=
other changes.

-- Charles

On Thursday 23 December 2004 10:38, Michael Erickson wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was looking at the CVS repository and saw no tags or branches denotin=
> actual software releases. Am I missing something? I am having to make
> changes to the source code and would like to always be able to get back
> to my starting point. I guess I can just use today's date as a marker i=
> I need to. However, typically I would expect to see some sort of
> branching and tagging scheme that designates release points such that
> developers can checkout specific revisions of the overall source packag=
> Am I missing something obvious, or does the code simply have no tags
> other than "HEAD" and no branches other than "MAIN?"
> Thanks,
> 	--mikee