[Yaffs] Frank's mega-patchset

Charles Manning manningc2@actrix.gen.nz
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 14:57:25 +1300

First off I'd really like to thank Frank for his efforts here.

Thanks Frank for structuring the patches in neat logical sets.

Herewith a brief analysis of the patches and what I intend to do about th=

Patchset 1 really copies almost the whole of yaffs, including some obsole=
and test code, into the kernel tree. This is not the best way to do this,=
IMHO.  What I'd rather do is write a patch_in script which either copies =
useful files into the kernel from a freestanding YAFFS CVS snapshot or=20
creates symlinks. Anyone who's used the mtd patchin will know what I'm=20
talking about.

Patchset 2 is a useful kernel makefile and KConfig. These will go into a =
directory in yaffs called yaffs/linux-kernel. These will get copied/symli=
by the patchin.

Patchsets 3..8 Various tidy ups and tweaks, some fixes more recent kernel=
changes too.  These I will apply, though some of them will have to be don=
manually to prevent breaking other OSs.

I'm doing a tag befora applying these changes.

-- Charles