[Yaffs] Yaffs for 2.4.27, and other questions

Thomas Gleixner tglx@linutronix.de
Thu, 11 Nov 2004 01:09:27 +0100

On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 10:21 +1100, Aras Vaichas wrote:
> Hi, I'm running 2.4.27-vrs1 for the AT91RM9200, it's the latest reliable 
> working kernel version for this processor, so I have no other choice but to use 
> it. Unfortunately, the latest MTD code only supports 2.6 kernels.

You can use current MTD with 2.4.27. It's not hard.

> I'd like to be using the latest code but I'm a little confused as to which 
> version of YAFFS works with which kernel, and which MTD code. Initially, I 
> tried to compile the latest CVS code, but I kept getting so many compiler 
> errors and I gave up when I couldn't fix them any more.
> e.g. yaffs_mtdif.c:33: unknown field `useecc' specified in initializer
> I can't find any mention of "useecc" anywhere in my kernel code or the YAFFS code.

useecc is a field of the MTD oobinfo structure
