[Yaffs] Recent compile problems

Charles Manning manningc2@actrix.gen.nz
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 07:14:53 +1300

I recently fiddled around with things in an effort to get the code ready =
inclusion in the Linux mainstream.  I did two main things:
1) Pulled the WINCE and Direct stuff out of yportenv.h into their own=20
2) Replaced the YAFFS_CONFIG_KERNEL_2_5 with "proper" Linux version macro=

Unfortunately I did not test the changes sufficiently for non-kernel case=

I've straightened things out and now get good compiles for kernel, utils,=
direct. I have not yet tried WinCE.

All the Linux version specific stuff (relating to CURRENT_TIME) has been=20
puilled out of yaffs_guts.c and has been put into the appropriate yporten=

The include dependencies have been straightened out.

If there are still problems please yell.

-- CHarles