Re: [Balloon] I just signed “David Cameron: Stopthe 11% pay…

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Autor: Wookey
Para: Toby Churchill
CC: balloon
Temas novos: Re: [Balloon] I just signed “David Cameron: Stop the 11% pay rise for MPs' salaries”
Asunto: Re: [Balloon] I just signed “David Cameron: Stopthe 11% pay rise for MPs' salaries”
+++ Toby Churchill [2013-10-24 10:39 +0000]:
>    I just signed this petition and wanted to ask for your support. 

This message was wildly innappropriate for this mailing list. Please
don't send such things again.

Did you give your entire contacts list or something equally idiotic?
You should be embarrassed.

Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM