[Yaffs] cvs YAFFS + MTD cvs + 2.4.27-vrs1 problems

Nick Bane nick@cecomputing.co.uk
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 21:10:02 -0000

> It's been a long journey, but I'm almost there.
Well struggled. It is often worth the eductaional side effects.

> If I comment out "#USE_NANDECC =3D -DCONFIG_YAFFS_USE_NANDECC" in my =
> Makefile, then my files are read back correctly. The only thing=20
> that happens=20
> now is that I get that "Reading data from NAND FLASH without ECC is =
> recommended" warning message BUT my system appears to be working.
> I am guessing that the ECC stuff is being handled twice or it is being =

> mishandled somewhere when I define CONFIG_YAFFS_USE_NANDECC. Comments?
That is precisely what I do and I comment out the MTD whinge. It is =
clearly important that SOMEONE does the ECC and it is a mild pity that =
the MTD layer assumes that only it is competant to do so.

It is probably that yaffs should get the MTD layer to do its ecc =
eventually as standard.
