[Yaffs] Re: YAFFS fs images not working the way I expect

Charles Manning manningc2@actrix.gen.nz
Sun, 24 Oct 2004 16:22:16 +1300

You won't be able to use any file system with NAND unless you can write t=

All file systems I am aware of at the very least use OOB for storing ECC =

Have a look at the code for mkyaffs. This should give you a good kick-off=
point for programming YAFFS. I am aware of at least one smartphone=20
manufacturer pre-programming NAND chips directly with YAFFS.

-- Charles

On Friday 22 October 2004 11:32, David Wuertele wrote:
> Charles> I think this is falling down on the "dd" commands.  AFAIK,
> Charles> "dd" will be ignoring the OOB stuff which is required by
> Charles> YAFFS.  Go look in the mtd tools, I think there are some nand
> Charles> specific tools like damddump or some such that will also
> Charles> extract the OOB info.
> So are you saying that I won't be able to preload a YAFFS filesystem
> into my NAND flash unless my programmer can write OOB info???
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