[Yaffs] Re: YAFFS fs images not working the way I expect

Robert Szabo robbie@rubin.hu
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 09:33:19 +0200


Also, keep in mind that NAND Flashes are not error free and that they 
are at random places. Using dd (or other, OOB supported util) to preload 
an image on other NAND flash than it was dumped from is risky. Image 
might contain valid, live blocks where NAND has faults.


David Wuertele wrote:

>Charles> I think this is falling down on the "dd" commands.  AFAIK,
>Charles> "dd" will be ignoring the OOB stuff which is required by
>Charles> YAFFS.  Go look in the mtd tools, I think there are some nand
>Charles> specific tools like damddump or some such that will also
>Charles> extract the OOB info.
>So are you saying that I won't be able to preload a YAFFS filesystem
>into my NAND flash unless my programmer can write OOB info???
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