[Yaffs] Strange ECC Error

Daniel Gustafsson daniel.gustafsson@space.se
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 16:48:21 +0200

Can somebody please explain the functions below. I am using yaffs/direct,
ECC turned off.

When scanning the emfile during a mount there are ecc errors.

void yaffs_CalcTagsECC(yaffs_Tags *tags)
	// Calculate an ecc
	unsigned char *b = ((yaffs_TagsUnion *)tags)->asBytes;
	unsigned  i,j;
	unsigned  ecc = 0;
	unsigned bit = 0;
	tags->ecc = 0;						

	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		for(j = 1; j &0xff; j<<=1)
			if(b[i] & j)
				ecc ^= bit;
	tags->ecc = ecc;					%%%I always
get a high value on ecc approx 64

int  yaffs_CheckECCOnTags(yaffs_Tags *tags)
	unsigned ecc = tags->ecc;
	ecc ^= tags->ecc;					%% Now my
ecc increases to approx 4096.
	if(ecc && ecc <= 64)
		// TODO: Handle the failure better. Retire?
		unsigned char *b = ((yaffs_TagsUnion *)tags)->asBytes;

		b[ecc / 8] ^= (1 << (ecc & 7));
		// Now recvalc the ecc
		return 1; // recovered error
	else if(ecc)
		// Wierd ecc failure value
%%%% I always end up here.
		// TODO Need to do somethiong here
		return -1; //unrecovered error
	return 0;
