[Yaffs] Reducing footprint in RAM

Nick Bane nick@cecomputing.co.uk
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:36:22 +0100

> I am using yaffs/direct.
> I need to reduce the footprint in RAM a lot (maybe by not storing the
> complete tnode-list in RAM and increasing pagesize etc.). Any =
> how to do that???
> If you restart the system and you have a flash memory of 1GB,=20
> does the file
> system then have to read the whole memory to create the original =
> I need as much information as possible to establish a good starting =
> before trying to optimize.
In my variant on bootldr, I use a small yaffs partition to house a linux =
zImage. This has a very rapid mount time and low ram footprint. This =
could be a way of lightening the initial ram burden if you are using =
yaffs-direct before booting an os.
If you are severely ram cramped and/or not booting an os then I guess =
you could split the nand up into small partitions and mount/unmount each =
one as needed. Its a bit clumsy but its an option.


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